Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rectangle, Triangle

Resurrected Post from 13th July 2008
This happened when I was in 9th. My brother Shreyas, 3 yrs younger to me and my two cousins Pooja(my age) and Prerana(3yrs younger) were hanging out together at my grandma's place. She ran a play home for kids so we had a black board in our room.

We were playing a game, which henceforth we named as "rectangle, triangle".

We formed teams of two, me n Prerana against Pooja and Shreyas. Rules of the game were simple; an item will be named to one player, and he/she has to explain it using only geometrical shapes to the teammate who'll be drawing it on the board. So for example if i give the item as "phone" u describe it as a big rectangle with a square inside at the top, etc etc..

So the item we gave to Pooja was "washing-machine", and Shreyas was supposed to follow instructions and draw on the board. So she asked him to draw a large rectangle. AND, so he drew it. Well, thats what he thought, cuz his "rectangle" had 3 sides!! Me n Prerana stared at each other, n then we were smiling uncontrollably, waiting to explode into laughter, waiting for Pooja to turn n look at the blackboard.

Anyways, we keep laughing always so those little giggles did not disturb the awesome game going on. He proceeded to draw a circle in the middle of the "rectangle", and then stood staring at the board, when asked to draw small rectangles on the top right corner of the rectangle. I swear, the look on his face was so innocent. It was hilarious, looking at him wondering where the top right corner of the triangle was. And then finally i forced Pooja to turn around and see the drawing on the board, and then we all laughed, so much so that our stomach hurt and tears poured down our cheeks. AND, BTW, the confusion in the two shapes continued in the next rounds that day also. It was like one of the most awesome times ever. The fun we had confusing him, laughing when he drew the correct shape, so that he erased and drew the wrong one.. phew, its impossible to express the utter confusion, and mindless laughter in words.

Well, what brought back all these treasured memories, was that the four of us were hanging out again this past Sunday, 5 yrs since the incident; and once again we sat down to play
"rectangle, triangle"; only to see Shreyas jot down on the top of his drawing pad:

Post resurrected from my first blog which has now disappeared into oblivion.


This blog shall rise again.. Where to, I know not. Enjoy. :P
